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Cole Waggoner

For over a decade at this point, lifting and training has played a huge role in my life. From my very first time lifting a barbell in my neighbor's garage to competing at some of the biggest stages in powerlifting, I've been lucky to be able to run towards this relentless pursuit of strength for many years now. Having experienced the positive impact that powerlifting has had on me over the years, nothing makes me happier than being able to have the same impact on other athletes in the sport at all levels. This passion for the sport, along with my educational/practical background, has placed me in a unique position to help athletes in a palpable way. The mantra "Resilience. Perseverance. Effort." has meant a lot to me throughout my years of powerlifting, school, and personal life. It is with these three traits that I truly believe we can exceed heights previously thought impossible.


  • B.S. in Applied Medicine

  • Doctor of Physical Therapy Candidate (2026)

  • Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist

  • 4x USAPL Raw Nationals Competitor

  • 1x Competitor at The Arnold Sports Festival

  • 2nd place USAPL Raw Nationals Jr. 90kg

  • Former USAPL Jr. National Record Holder (315kg squat @ 90kg)


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, or if you're interested in coaching, don't hesitate to shoot me an email!

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